Sign-up for a full-length practice SAT or ACT test

Please provide the following contact information:
Student's Name: *
Parent's Names: *
Street Address *
Address (cont.)
City *
State/Province *
Zip/Postal Code *
Parent(s) Work Phone *
Home Phone *
E-mail *
School Attending: *
Grade: *
G.P.A.: *
Previous PSAT: *
PSAT Verbal: *
PSAT Math: *
PSAT Dates Taken: *
Previous SAT: *
SAT Verbal: *
SAT Math: *
SAT Dates Taken: *
Previous ACT: *
ACT English: *
ACT Reading: *
ACT Math: *
ACT SciReas: *
ACT Composite: *
ACT Dates Taken: *
Class start date for
which student is registering:
How did you hear about Total Learning Concepts?: *

Choose the days and times that are the most convenient:

Monday Afternoon
Monday Evening
Tuesday Afternoon
Tuesday Evening
Wednesday Afternoon
Wednesday Evening
Thursday Afternoon
Thursday Evening
Saturday Morning
Saturday Afternoon
Sunday Afternoon

Please check those other services TLC provides to students in which you are interested:

Essay Development for college applications
Interviewing Skills with an admissions officer
"Speed Reading Strategies" course
Subject tutoring in school courses
"Final Exam Review" classes
"College Study Strategies" course